
Campagne tegen vooroordelen over de Griekse Herder mix deel VI

Geïnspireerd door onze campagne, heeft nog een van onze Engelse volgers haar verhaal ingestuurd. Hoewel zij geen adoptant van ons is, delen wij graag haar verhaal.

For the Strays – Paws of Greece voert campagne om de misstanden, de vooroordelen zogezegd, over Griekse Herder mixen te ontkrachten.

Hoewel wij altijd ‘voorlichten’ over het sterke en zelfstandige karakter van de Griekse Herder mix, is het echt een fantastische huisgenoot. We zullen af en toe een adoptant van een Griekse Herder mix aan het woord laten en in deel V is dat van Michelle Louise. Apollo is bij een van de beste vrienden van onze Social Media goeroe Jacky in de opvang geweest en het heeft haar 6 maanden gekost een goede foster te vinden voor destijds Fluff Ball… Apollo:

Fluff Ball in de shelter
Apollo met 6 maanden

“I’d recommend his breed over many pedigrees here in the UK/ He is loyal, loving, obedient. It’s the owner who determines a dogs nature in how they are treated; no dog is born bad! Some need a different approach for sure but if you do your research and put effort into it the rewards are endless.

He is an absolute dream! We learnt very early on that despite his good nature and relaxed temp that off lead walking is a challenge, he has to introduce himself to everyone and whilst he’s nice and giddy and excitable his size can intimidate people so we’ve all but given up on re call training, he just loves people and being fussed, he smiles at people and talks to them as we pass.

Apollo had some skin problems, but since we switched to a raw food diet, it almost cleared up instantly.
He’s like having a child; he’s very needy for love and affection and he will sulk when told no, but he is the nicest natured dog I’ve ever met. He’s so loving and relaxed as long as he gets a zoomie in… he can sleep most of the day 🤣
He gets so many comments in his good nature. He’s the main attraction if we take him to the pub or cafe and he just loves the attention he’s genuinely a good boy.
I’d happily talk to anyone thinking of getting a Greek Shepphard (mix). We’ve only had him for 3 years but it’s like he’s allways been apart of the family.
I’d recommend dog savvy people who can identify and correct behaviour and set very strong boundaries without scaring the dog are very suitable. Even now if anyone shouts In our house he runs away… he is a very sensitive boy.