
Nieuwe sponsor! Red and Howling!!!!

Fantastisch nieuws, want wie kent Red and Howling niet…

en als je haar werk niet kent, moet je zeker kijken op de website. Haar prints raken de dierenliefhebber recht in het hart.

Amy van Red and Howling:

For the first time, my popular “Best Friend” print is available as a donation print to help an incredible, 100% volunteer-based foundation who are at risk of losing one of their safe havens for animals.

For the Strays – Paws of Greece( Stichting For the Strays – Paws of Greece) is a wonderful hands-on, 100% volunteer-based nonprofit who try to make the world a better place by taking care of the strays in Greece. Their main goal is to trap, neuter, and release strays.

They also have four safe havens for dogs and cats. Currently, one of these critical safe havens for animals is at risk of being closed by the end of July. They are scrambling to purchase or rent a piece of land to keep this haven open for the more than 60 dogs and cats who live there.

50% of the profits from this print will go directly to the purchase or renting of land to save their much needed safe haven.

Link to my Best Friend